To submit an item for our guestbook, please send an email to with “Guestbook” in the subject. We will publish your guestbook item as soon as possible.
18/05/2020 – Diana Voicu
18/05/2020 – Peter Moloney
Thank You
Jack has really enjoyed the tournament and we certainly will never forget it He has learnt so much about Ten-Pro and now feels part of it and is really excited as we all are to meet Goran and the team in person.
Thank you very much
18/05/2020 – Zen Singh
Dear Ten-pro virtual team,
Thank you for being the administration and organisation behind both the virtual tournaments during lockdown. I’m sure it’s not been easy.
Aryan has really enjoyed both the tournaments. I know he has flooded your inbox with numerous video emails daily – he was afraid they were not going through.
You’ll have been so prompt in all your replies and instructions. And follow up’s. You’ll have just done such a fantastic job.
The whole idea to keep the children engaged during lockdown was genius. All the tennis kids would be missing being on court, just like Aryan is And being able to stay connected to the sport has been so beneficial to their mental health.
Winning such an incredible prize in the second tournament was just an added bonus.
Just wanted to thank all of you. For the incredible effort. I don’t know about anyone else, but my tennis knowledge has really improved vastly, after both the tournaments.
Best Regards
16/10/2019 -Jerrid Gaines and Nina
Hello Goran,
Jerrid and I wish our son could play all of these tournaments.
15/04/2019 – Retief Rautenbach
Good Morning Goran,
I hope You and the Team are all doing great !
Just a short mail to Thank You and the Team for an unbelievable Tournament and experience that we had with You guys at RNA in Mallorca !
We are all back at work and school and busy planning for our next TEN-PRO as India’s school needs to agree and as it is a far journey we need to make the most of it.
Thank You for the opportunity that You and your team gave to India, especially the award that She went home with, You cannot believe the pride, motivation and upliftment that She returned home to Cape Town with. Thank You !
We stayed on at the academy for 2 more weeks where India completed her weekly camps at RNA and She was over the moon to meet two former world number ones Carlos and especially her hero Rafa as well as Jaume Munar and to get to watch them practice every single day are memories She will cherish and take with her for the rest of Her life.
Thank You Goran!
Kind Regards
Retief Rautenbach
15/03/2019 – Karin Ontiveros
16/01/2019 – Felipe Berini & his team
10/04/2018 – Karen Deegan
Kindest regards, Karen Deegan
09/04/2018 – Ludovic Hangard
Hello Goran and all the Ten-Pro team,
I send you this email to congratulate you on the organization set up during the Mallorca tournament at the Rafa Academy.
It was magic, my daughter Romane, registered in U10 and U11 does not stop talking about the tournament since we returned to France.
Playing against girls from all over the world was magical, we kept in touch with many players and parents, even if we were opponents during a match.
I registered Romane HANGARD–DECLERCK on the Miami tournament in U10, suddenly, she absolutely wants to do that U11 too.
Is it still possible?
I would also like to register U10 and U11 in France at the Patrick Mouratoglou Academy, is this already possible or should we wait?
Thank you,
Sports greetings,
28/02/2018 – Claudia Groff
Dear Goran,
12/12/2017 – Adriana & Denis Kurilic
04/11/2017 – Dave
Hej Goran,
Now I am seriously REGRETTING not sending my players to Ten-Pro events earlier!!!
They are having a SUPER TIME there in France and at the end of the day this is a MUCH BETTER EXPERIENCE than just playing one or two TE matches and flying home.
THANKS for the boys having a great time, Goran… it is a WIN-WIN FOR ALL!!
Cheers, Dave
04/11/2017 – James
04/11/2017 – Claudia and Francois Groff
Dear Goran,
Congratulations for a great tournament, bravo to you and all the organization. Great atmosphere and philosophy.
This week of Ten-Pro was a very good experience for Thomas. The Ten-Pro circuit is the perfect complement to his year federation tournament calendar and a great addition to his development program in the following two to three years.
Good luck with the following projects and see you in the Dutch Bowl.
Kind regards, Claudia and Francois Groff
06/11/2017 – Miguel Corte-Real
02/06/2017 – Yvonne Maser
Dear Goran,
Thank you very much for the recently concluded Ten-Pro BATD, my daughter Laura Maser totally enjoyed it and can’t wait to come back to Belgium for the Ten-Pro at Kim Clijsters’ Academy. Her coach Lenka informed us that it was very well run, professionally organized and overall was an excellent learning experience both on and off the court, we can’t thank you enough!
Best regards,
Yvonne Maser
29/05/2017 – Gabriela Brunclikova
29/05/2017 – Marie-Pierre Siraut
13/01/2017 – Diana Ivancheva
Hello Goran,
About the Dutch Bowl, I need one week to think about this. We have tournament here on the same time. I know she prefers to participate in your tournament. More of her tennis friends will be there. One of the best tennis memories for her are in Dutch Bowl in Mouratoglou Tennis Academy. She was not 1st there but this tournament gave to her more then the 1st place. YOU DO SOMETHING VERY HUGE WITH THIS TOURNAMENT FOR THE NEXT TENNIS GENERATION!!!! WELL DONE TO ALL OF YOU!!
I need one week to think if will be possible Nicole to participate in Dutch Bowl. I hope this will be not late for you.
Diana Ivancheva
23/11/2016 – Gloria
Thank you Goran! And again congratulations for your tournament! It has been a great experience for Ludovico and I appreciated the tournament formula as a parent and tennis school manager. We hope we can arrange to come to your next tournament in Mallorca!
Kindest regards,
19/08/2016 – Natalia Slahayeva
Dear Mr. Novakovic,
Thank you very much for your invitation to your tournament. The Ten-Pro tournaments are always held at a very high level and I am sure that the next tournament in August in Germany will be as great as previous ones.
In the tournament in Brussels which Aliaxandra attended we noted certain progress in her development as well as her drawbacks. And we need some time to fix them. The results of our advance we also could check while participating in the tournaments in Belarus, where Aliaxandra won the first place three times. We see in these achievements and your credit.
We’ll be happy to get the invitation to the next Ten-Pro tournament and have the chance to show all our achievements.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Natalia Slahayeva.
26/07/2016 – Predrag Mutavdzic
Dear Mr. Novakovic,
I would like to thank you on and your dedicated Team for all your efforts and professionalism that has gone into organising the Kim Clijsters Next Generation Cup. It was an immensely enjoyable week that brought energy and great competitive atmosphere among the kids and everyone had a really good time. I would also like to thank KC Academy staff for being so welcoming down to earth and responsive to our needs in every way and, last but not least, living legend herself, Kim for being among the kids throughout the duration of the tournament.
Memories of the KC Next Generation Cup will stay with me for a long time.
BIG Thank You from Matilda!
Predrag Mutavdzic
08/04/2016 – Vincent Brady
Dear Goran,
That’s great news for Ten Pro, you should be very proud of what you have put together, the influence your organisation has had on kids around Europe has been massive, the Dutch Bowl was a huge inspiration to Jack and whilst his results have not shown any improvement, his style of play has definitely improved and that is by far the most important thing at this stage, looking forward to Brussels, I am going to be at Base too but Kim might be a bit too much for me, ( and it way beyond tennis what you have produced, Jack has made so many European friends) , have a great weekend Vinny
24/01/2016 – Sabine Woydt
Dear Goran,
Thank you for all your detailed mails again!
I would like to confirm the participation for Eva Maria Woydt/Austira on Ten Pro International Batd Brussels in Belgium
It is really a pleasure and a great challenge for my daughter to play at your fantastic tournament!
Thank you for everything!!
Looking forward seeing you in Brussel
Sabine Woydt
15/01/2016 – Rowena Leenders
Beste Goran,
Hierbij wil ik graag Kyvan Rietkerk inschrijven voor jullie toernooi in de 2005 groep in Belgie van 25 t/ 28 mei!
Nogmaals heel erg bedankt voor de super organisatie en het geweldig plannen!
Ook mijn complimenten aan de dames van de wedstrijdtafel!
Veel succes met de laatste rondes en de afsluiting en tot in Belgie!
Vriendelijke Grt
Rowena Leenders (mama Kyvan Rietkerk)
29/11/2015 – Niroshan San
Hi Goran,
Thank you for the invitation, sorry about the late response.
Dharani is playing in the National selection tournaments during the same time in Canada. She will.not be able to participate in Nedhalands.
Also I wanted to thank you for organising such a fantastic tournament in Turkey. It was a lot if fun and my Daughter had such a great time and made new friends.
09/09/2015 – Mark Carruthers
Hi Goran
I have just been at the latest Ten-Pro event in Germany with one of my students – Eva Woydt from Austria.
As a coach who has been to every level of junior tournament I have to say that our first experience of your new circuit was eye-opening.
Your concept and vision is first-class and this was the most professional and best officiated junior tournament I have ever been to.
I and evas parents cant applaud you enough for this fantastic idea as I feel such a circuit has been badly needed for a long time in order to provide a bridge between local competition for talented young kids and the tennis europe circuit.
I hope to see you in Turkey.
Mark Carruthers
08/09/2015 – Mark & Cathelijne Verbeek
Dear Goran,Rodney and Ruben
We trust you are now in recovery from your efforts over the last week …
This is just a short note to thank you all, and the wider team at Pro-Ten and Base Tennis, for providing an outstanding tournament; together with coaching and encouragement for our son Owen Verbeek.
This was Owen’s first experience of tournament match play, clay and indoor courts … all valuable learning experiences given the lack of opportunity in a small country such as Bahrain. These experiences together with the understanding gained from others as to the commitment needed to become stronger in the sport, has certainly given a very positive motivation to Owen.
All of this coupled with the atmosphere that you have collectively generated amongst the players, parents and coaches was excellent … so thank you once again, and we hope to see you all again at a similar event in the not too distant future …
Best regards,
Mark & Cathelijne
Kingdom of Bahrain
03/09/2015 – Yuri Petrov
Dear Goran!
I want to thank once again for the excellent organization of the tournament in Germany.
Everything was amazing.
Yuri Petrov. (Rus)
02/09/2015 – Pernille
Dear Goran,
Firstly a big congratulations to a perfectly run tournament in France. You and your team did a great job for the whole week. Apparently you are already a legend in the tennis world in Holland, according to the parents of your Dutch team, so I guess soon you will be in Europe as well!!!
My son, Oscar, told me this was his best ever tournament week and really enjoyed the interaction with the other kids as well as the tennis.
As we are planning the summer for tennis and holiday I would like to request the information on the next tournament in Germany in August that you are arranging so we can plan our schedule to come to this event.
With kind regards
02/09/2015 – Lotta Forste
Hello Goran!
My son Noa had a wonderful time in Biot and we keep our fingers crossed that you’ll arrange another 11 and under there in the spring of 2016.
So don’t give up on us!
Best regards
Lotta Forste